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SANT’ANNA  school professors ANDREA PICCALUGA and ALBERTO DI MININ together with photographer IRENE TADDEI announce the launch of their book celebrating pisa’s most eminent scientists

Publication date: 06.12.2019
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Who are the most eminent researchers in Italy and particularly in Pisa? What are and what were their major contributions to scientific progress, what their engagement in science and technology to pursue knowledge? The new book STEMPISA 2020 written by Sant’Anna School Professors is Alberto Di Minin, Andrea Piaccaluga (currently the Director of the Institute of Management ) with the cooperation of photographer Irene Taddei and journalist Giuseppe Meucci, celebrates 41 talented scientists who conduct their research in Pisa. Historically, Pisa with has a legacy of scientific culture and is now a hub for innovation. Over the years, Pisa has been a place of study for prominent alumni Galileo Galilei, Enrico Fermi and Carlo Rubbia.

To highlight the talents of Pisa university community, authors listed Pisa born and bred distinguished researchers along with Italian and international (non-Italian) scientists who work in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields.

This year, Pisa University celebrates the 50th anniversary of its Computer Science Degree. In recognizing the contributions of notable scholars and Pisa’s reputation as a leader in the sciences, the launch of the book STEMPISA 2020, sponsored by publisher Pacini Editore and Forti Holding will take place on 28 November, 5.30 pm, at “Rino Ricci” auditorium - Camera di Commercio di Pisa.

The volume STEMPISA 2020, covering the scientific achievements of the University of Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, Sant’Anna School, National Research Council Pisa, National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Institute of Technology, and the European Gravitational Observatory VIRGO-EGO.

Keynote speakers taking part in the November 28 event include: Michele Conti (Mayor of Pisa), Francesco Ippolito (journalist), rector Paolo Maria Mancarella (University of Pisa), director Luigi Ambrosio (Scuola Normale Superiore ), rector Sabina Nuti (Sant’Anna School), president Giorgio Iervasi (CNR – National Research Council Pisa), authors Andrea Piccaluga and Alberto Di Minin, publisher Pier Francesco Pacini and Luigi Doveri (Forti Holding).

“The scientific community in Pisa producing outstanding, internationally-excellent research which encompasses micro-mechatronics, robotics, artificial intelligence, bioengineering, big data, medical sciences, aerospace engineering, robotics surgery and nano-technology, can inspire students and the next generation of scientific leaders to consider STEM careers - said Franco Forti, president of Forti Holding SpA. “The Forti Holding companies’ core values of commitment, technology and innovation grow our business and bring social added value in our area. Montacchiello industrial district has contributed in GVA also turning scientific discovery into products and services on which our future quality of life will be built. STEM education, scientific knowledge and private-public partnerships will drive local growth and deliver innovation to secure a share of national and global market”.